Register for Online Proxy Access

This form is for parents, guardians and carers requesting 3rd party access to another patients online medical records.

Last Updated: 11/02/2022

Proxy Online Access To Medical Records - Consent Form

Proxy access will allow you to book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, and have access to the elements of the medical record that have been released for online access.

The parent, guardian or carer must show proof of ID and proof of right (birth certificate, adoption certificate/ power of attorney etc) at the time of requesting proxy access.

If there are any limitations on access to the patient or their information imposed by Court or Social Services it must be declared


Confidentiality and Young people

When the patient turns 12 proxy access will be reviewed and consent from them will be required. When turning 16 proxy access will be removed and direct access granted to the patient.

In certain situations it may be appropriate for proxy access to be maintained after the patient turns 16. This will be discussed and approved on an individual basis..

Patient Details

Please fill out the deatils of the person who's medical records are being accessed

Representative's Details

Please fill out the deatils of the representative who wishes to have proxy access 

Documents Required

Once we have received your application we will contact you to provide the following documents.

- Photo ID of the representative (Passport, driving liecnce etc.)

- Proof of right to access (Birth certificate, adoption certificate, power of attorney etc.)

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